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How to Lose Weight Fast and Easily By Doctor Amy Lee (Natural Weight Loss)

  Here's oatmeal from England and here's one from America what's the difference yep you guessed the American oatmeal contains double the ingredients all of which are artificial flavorings and preservatives it's no wonder the rate of obesity in Europe stays around 20 percent well in America it's at 34 percent and climbing my name is doctor Amy Lee I am the founder and director of the integrative wellness center in Los Angeles and in this presentation I'm going to expose 3 harmful foods that are likely in your cupboards right now they could be putting a dagger 3 your weight loss goals all 3 of the harmful foods I'm going to show you right now are labeled and marketed as health foods today I'm also going to show you my Ford natural weight loss helpers all from mother nature that you can find the most organic grocery stores these 4 natural solutions are not diet tricks although many of my patients will tell you they work like magic what they do is improve yo...

Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Twins

Twins might look alike, talk alike, walk alike, and they even look alike. But twins are a fascinating genetic miracle. Whether they're conjoined polar body, identical mirror or separated at birth. The complexities of twins are something that both the average man and scientists have marveled over for decades. Here are 10 things you didn't know about twins. Identical twins are not so similar. It's common knowledge that they have the same DNA. However, that doesn't mean that they're similar in every sense from birth. Identical twins have different fingerprints and bellybuttons as they age. They change totally different from each other. Identical twins are the result of a fertilized egg that splits in half. And however, in a rare case, an egg splits before fertilization. If a separate sperm fertilized the eggs, the resulting babies are called Semien. Identical twins, semi identical twins share about 75 percent of DNA and they're not quite identical in this case....

Top 10 ways to reduce high blood pressure

For your body to work normally, a healthy being is required to have a blood pressure of 120 over 80. M-m HGV, a good, healthy lifestyle, can help you in reducing your high blood pressure levels. Here are the top 10 ways to reduce your blood pressure. No. One, lose weight. Gaining extra pounds is a risk for high blood pressure, especially for adults. But good news. Studies have shown that losing it. Even up to five percent of your body mass can bring a great change on your health specifically for the cardiovascular system. The more you optimize your weight, the easier it will be for your vessels to pump blood throughout your body. Number two or a robak exercises. It's true that losing weight can help reduce blood pressure, but being hypertensive. The effect is optimal when you add daily exercise to a. Cardiovascular exercises are also known as a Robak exercise, which includes walking, jogging, bicycling or swimming. These strengthen the heart muscles and help regulate your blo...