How to Lose Weight Fast and Easily By Doctor Amy Lee (Natural Weight Loss)

 Here's oatmeal from England and here's one from America what's the difference yep you guessed the American oatmeal contains double the ingredients all of which are artificial flavorings and preservatives it's no wonder the rate of obesity in Europe stays around 20 percent well in America it's at 34 percent and climbing my name is doctor Amy Lee I am the founder and director of the integrative wellness center in Los Angeles and in this presentation I'm going to expose 3 harmful foods that are likely in your cupboards right now they could be putting a dagger 3 your weight loss goals all 3 of the harmful foods I'm going to show you right now are labeled and marketed as health foods today I'm also going to show you my Ford natural weight loss helpers all from mother nature that you can find the most organic grocery stores these 4 natural solutions are not diet tricks although many of my patients will tell you they work like magic what they do is improve your digestion and help you process food with maximum efficiency update since I first releases video I'm flattered it's gone viral it's been viewed over 1000000 times and gotten to the point where I'm receiving dozens of thank you letters every single day from people all around the world. Like Wendy she writes doctor Amy Lee thank you for this video I use your 4 natural ways to improve my digestion and my tummy feels better and looks slimmer my bathroom habits are normal again and thanks to number 3 I don't crave junk anymore and Lisa from agora California writes thank you doctor Lee I always thought I'd have to change my diet to lose weight and I just couldn't motivate myself to do it for more than a few weeks this is made it much easier and I couldn't be happier with the way I look I never thought I could be this then again I love getting these letters it's amazing what a big difference a few small changes can make to your body so let's get started these are the same tips I give my celebrity patients here in Los Angeles who pay me thousands of dollars to help them shed quickly for new movie roles however I'm giving it all away free today because I feel it's time you were told the real truth about fat loss this information comes from my years of experience helping everyone from those who need to get bikini ready for summer 2 severe cases where patients need to lose large amounts of weight quickly or risk a life and a heart attack regardless of your situation I'm confident this information if you apply it will give you the results you're looking for let's start with harmful foods herbal food number one is yogurt the way it yogurt is marketed makes me sick be aware of any yogurt with added sugars keep in mind a 6 ounce yogurt should have about 13 grams of naturally occurring sugar from milk anything over 20 grams is a big no no also be aware of any younger cleaning to give you probiotic benefits when yogurt is pasteurized it kills off many of those good bacteria cell unless you're making your yogurt at home you're not going to get enough probiotic benefits to make a noticeable difference in your digestive tract fortunately our American court system agrees in 2013 General Mills paid 8.$5000000 to settle a class action lawsuit that claimed their Greek yogurt was not even a yogurt at all also steer clear of any yogurt contain. The number one fat forming ingredient high fructose corn syrup that leads me to my number 2 harmful food wheat bread you may have heard brown bread is better for you than white bread yes that can be true however again the big companies are taking advantage of you here wonder bread stone ground 100 percent whole wheat contains large amounts of my number one fat forming ingredient high fructose corn syrup why is it so bad 20 times sweeter than sugar fructose is a chemical that isn't recognized by our brains high fructose corn syrup confuses your gralla in which is the hormone that tells you when you're hungry it also does straps leptin production which is the I'm full hormone when these 2 hormones are out of whack you never know when you're full so what does your body do it tells you to eat more and more and more that brings me to my number 3 harmful food cereal bars Kellogg's special K. is marketed as one of the pre mere healthy cereal on the shelf yet in special K. red berries chewy snack bar sugar is a component of the second ingredient and then emerges again as corn syrup fiber one oats and chocolate bars contain corn syrup sugar sugar cane fibre and fructose that's a recipe for plain old weight gain if you ask me okay now that I've told you the 3 foods you must avoid it's time for me to share my for natural fat loss helpers I urge you to combine the 4 things I'm about to share with you with daily physical activity for maximum results however if you fear your busy schedule may get in the way of daily exercise that it's even more critical you take action here I'm going to recommend you start at the source I'm talking about your digestive system as you know your digestive system exists to help you process food food contains the building blocks of your body's tissues and is the source of your body's energy however today's food is very different from that of our ancestors as I showed you with the 3 harmful foods we often eat things our body has no idea how to turn into tissue or energy and your member what your body does when it in jest something. Unknown if you said it turns it into fat you're absolutely correct so what is your digestive system doing now do you find yourself having lots of energy or sluggish do you need caffeine to get yourself through the day if you found yourself having less energy and gaining more weight I can tell you as a medical professional your digestive system is to blame the good news is once you begin giving it the support it needs you may notice not just fat loss but a disappearance of other bodies emissions it's amazing how much improving your digestion can improve every area of your body and that brings me to my for natural fat loss helpers because you see well I call them fat loss helpers what they really are is digestive system helpers there are 4 of them because the each fight one of the 4 enemies of poor digestion number one food preservatives number 2 bad gut bacteria number 3 over eating and number 4 slow metabolism my first natural fat loss helper is best explained with a hilarious yet freaky story it was going around the internet last year perhaps the side David wrinkle discovered an old McDonald's hamburger and a coke pocket a burger that had been aged for 14 years when he opened it up he was shocked to discover it looked exactly the same as a fresh McDonald's hamburger how the answer is simple it was packed to the core with preservatives the sad truth is it's not just McDonald's foods much of the food you encounter every day is the same Brad's meats canned foods anything that big food manufacturers want to stay fresh longer so they have a bigger window to sell it to you and a better chance of making a profit another issue with preservatives is they make it hard for our bodies to get all of the nutrients out of our food that can put your body in a mode of fat storage when you're not getting enough nutrients your body holds on to the fat it has just in case nutrients stop coming in it's a protection mechanism that can make it almost impossible to lose weight if you've tried dieting or exercising but still couldn't lose those stubborn pounds this is probably why fortunately mother nature has a solution to help fight preservatives and. This will also help you if you're a fast eater takes 3 powerful nutrients called amylase bromelain and lipase before you eat these 3 nutrients are digestive enzymes powerful natural extracts that cuts through preservatives and aid your body in the process of digesting food however do not go and grab any bottle of digestive enzymes off of the shelf it's critical that you get one that contains these 3 nutrients as each one plays a different role in breaking down proteins carbohydrates and fats brother lane also has properties that fight inflammation and support digestion of grains if you've ever wondered how celebrities and wealthy folks stay so thin well there's a good chance that one of the tricks they use this to carry these 3 digestive enzymes around with them and take them with every meal they allow you to get maximum amounts of nutrients out of everything you eat yeah even carbs that is what makes the my first natural fat loss helpers okay now for my natural fat loss helper number 2 this thing is called a candida and he is not a helper can do it as a form of use that lives in your digestive tract along with 25000000000000 other bacteria it's okay to have a small amount of candy to in your body however can you guess what can do to feed on if you guessed sugar and sweeteners you're absolutely correct sugar feeds can beat it to the point where they can begin to over grow in your stomach when candida overgrowth they begin to spill through your entire gastrointestinal tract and into your blood stream these yeast and fungi particles can wreck chaos throughout your entire body depriving you of energy slowing down your metabolism causing brain fog and hurting your concentration however here's the really scary part these bacteria have also been known to hijack hormones and create cravings you may not have had before yes you heard me right can data and it's ugly bacteria friends force you to begin a craving the foods they want next time you find yourself craving carbs or sweets or pizza or pasta know that it's probably just those bad bacteria down there yelling feed me more sugar the solution is easy and its sources mother nature you may have already heard about probiotics what probiotics are are close. Stirs of good bacteria you can now take into billions in one little capsule that go into your digestive track and help against the bad bacteria it's certainly more beneficial than a multi vitamin as the benefits are felt right away and all throughout your body be forewarned though not all probiotics are created equal with their surge in popularity many companies are releasing probiotics containing cheap strains that dissolve in your stomach before they reach the critical intestinal tract and that leads me to my natural fat loss helper number 3 have you ever told yourself just one bite then before you knew it you ate the entire thing we've all been there as we discussed earlier the food cravings we get are not always natural fruit does it makes us think we're aren't full when in reality we are can deter can hijack our hormones and cause us to crave sugars and carbs and we all know how strong emotional eating and bad eating habits can be like popcorn during the movie how can you fight back well there's always strict discipline however again I'd like to recommend to you a solution to kicking those cravings that requires less will power so you have a higher chance of success I want to introduce you to a nutrient called Caroline the fimbriata Caroline the fimbriata is the extract of a route that's been used for centuries to reduce the appetite and now modern day studies have been done proving its effectiveness in reducing the appetite and reducing waste measurement a 12 week randomized placebo controlled study was conducted on 43 obese and overweight subjects the study measured the effect of Caroline the fimbriata and waist circumference and waist to hip ratio among other factors the study showed statistically significant results for waist circumference positively correlated with a reduction in abdominal fat waist to hip ratio declined and it's these reasons why Caroline the fimbriata is my number one recommendation for emotional eaters now I'd like to introduce you to my fourth and final fat loss helpers it just might be the most powerful digestive aid of all it's called EGCG EGCG is a powerful anti Occident more commonly known as green tea extract green tea has been used for centuries to help with bloating and I just. And this is why when you eat at a Japanese restaurant it's often served complimentary after your meal EGCG is green tea extract in its purest form what that means in English is that EGCG goes into your digestive system and fires it up okay so now you know my for natural fat loss helpers while each can help you hit your fat loss goals the real power is how these 4 things combined together to give you optimal weight management support listen mother nature did not intend for you to be walking around with excess fat however if you were born after the year 1942 it's very likely you've never had a fully supported digestive system that's because since the year 1950 so many preservatives sugars and sweeteners have been added to our American food supply our digestive systems have not been able to keep up I've been recommending digestive support with these 4 natural nutrients for many years now I've seen it literally dozens of patients have life changing results however in the past taking them and a lot of pill counting for my patients and a fair amount of expense after seeing too many of them having to stop treatment that was working due to financial reasons I decided to create a supplement incorporating all for nutrients in the specific quantities and potencies 1 would need to see the fastest results a digestive supplement so powerful I feel afford spreads it could single handedly and the obesity epidemic in America because it combines the 4 most potent nutrients I know for optimal weight management I decided to call this compound bio X. for dialects for is a cutting edge compound containing a proprietary blend of number 13 digestive enzymes amylase assist you in breaking down carbohydrates lie pays a system breaking down fats and brown Alain assist you in breaking down proteins and is a potent anti inflammatory number 2 probiotics 4000000000 colony forming units per capsule in 5 unique strains engineered to penetrate and support your entire digestive tract this is equivalent to 12000000000 colony forming units of beneficial bacteria each day number 3 Caroline the fimbriata 100 66 milligrams per capsule to help you keep your cravings for bad food. Number 4 EGCG green tea extract 100 milligrams per capsule to support faster metabolism all combined into one easy to swallow pale to give you support with each meal here's what just a few users have had to say my entire life is changed I can shop at the stores I never could before and even bought some sexy lingerie to wear with my husband the best part is I no longer crave bad foods every dialed failed me but this is easy thank you for giving me back my life Betty Jean Hawthorne California the weight loss took awhile to start but then I started losing pounds very quickly my tummy is much slimmer now and I can eat cheese again without feeling sick thank you for this and you can count on me as a fan Linda sealed buffalo New York isn't that amazing now it's important to note that bio X. 4 is not a diet pill as anyone who's tried it will tell you it's much much more than that to start it's a natural way to give your digestive tract maximum support to process food efficiently it helps break down the sweeteners and preservatives in your food so you absorb more of the vitamins have more regular bathroom habits and start turning what you eat into energy instead of fat I'll explore is also a natural way to curb your appetite you have less cravings you don't eat as many foods you know are bad for you and start feeling full at the right times no more over eating and lastly bio X. 4 is a natural way to support your immune health you're less likely to get sick and it also helps to break the hold any bad bacteria may have on your digestive tract you'll no longer get cravings for food they want and no longer have yeast overgrowth bogging down your system you'll see and feel the benefits of purifying your entire body from the inside out as you can see bio X. 4 is far more than a weight loss supplement it's a complete digestive support compound designed not only to help you reach your weight loss goals but supports you in obtaining digestive health the way it works is simple take one capsule of bio explore with each meal 3 times a day then let its powerful nutrients from mother nature do the rest you'll see and feel the results within days not weeks as your path to a better body starts the. Moment you take it update when this video was first aired we were selling bio X. 4 for 9999 a bottle people happily paid it and we were overjoyed with the results since then we are flattered that this video has become a viral sensation literally thousands of new viewers who are serious about losing weight are watching this presentation and ordering bio export every single day it's been incredibly exciting and the best part is we've been able to place much larger orders allowing us to negotiate a lower price from our compound growers in this situation many companies would choose to keep their prices the same and pocket the extra dollars however our vision for bio X. 4 goes far beyond 1 transaction music and I truly feel bio export could be the key to ending the obesity epidemic in America and that's why it's important for us to get into the hands of as many people as possible so you're not going to pay $99 today in fact you're not even going to pay half of that because I want to empower you to make this year 2019 the year you get the body you want we decided to price bio explore at just $49 per bottle that's a saving of $50 and if you consider how much you're saving over the cost of buying these nutrients individually on your own it's a saving of at least $200 we ask you to tell your friends and family about bio X. 4 by sharing with them this informative video presentation however please keep the low price of $49 to yourself as it will not be sold at that price for very long so go ahead and click on the link below to try bio X. 4 today to make this even sweeter for you everyone who gets in on today's special new customer offer will be grandfathered in at this price for all future orders even if I regular price goes up the reason is because we know bio X. 4 works and we want to prove it to you that's why we're putting our money where our mouth is it's more important to us that we earn the trust of good folks who want to join our bio X. 4 family our goal is to earn your business the old fashioned way by giving you a high quality products you love at a fair price and make you happy customer for life itself click on the link below and try bio X. for today all orders are sent with priority shipping in a plain box for your privacy with. In 2004 hours and as a part of the special new customer only offer we're going to go ahead and cover the shipping cost of sending it out to you okay that just about wraps this up I'm so excited for you to try bio X. 4 and start experiencing the benefits for yourself you see when it comes to your total body health losing weight can be just the beginning here are some very common and welcome side effects my patients report better sleep higher energy levels improved mood reduced post meal sluggishness reduced caffeine cravings more regular bathroom habits increased sex drive getting sick less often and clear skin remember your digestive tract contains 60 percent of your body's cells so it should be no surprise giving it support can make you feel like a whole new person that's why it's so important to take action now and give your digestive system the support it needs to start turning your food into energy and burning away that fat that may have been plaguing you for who knows how many years it's my pleasure to welcome you to the bio X. 4 family I'm doctor Amy Lee.


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